Tuesday 22 May 2012

Success at last?

Well in the hope that this last attempt actually succeeded -  hello fellow bloggers......? I must admit that setting this blog up has cost me quite a lot of frustrating hours on my computer.  Must be losing my ability to follow instructions!  This is all the fault of Jazzi and her Christmas in July swap which she promoted on Minis4all.  Everyone else who signed up had a blog - not me! 
But if this has worked this time - I shall be eternally grateful Jaz. 
Now all I've got to do is make use of it.........!!


  1. Woohoo! Go girlfriend! It will become your best friend and here to help you along the way! xxx

    1. Jaz - your problem with my link may have been that somewhere I forgot to put the dot between aabee-beginning and blogspot! Still not sure about lots of things - when I'm on someone elses blog can I leave comments or messages? and where ? And is it better to email rather than blog when I need advice from you?

    2. Email me for advice A...you can leave a comment on someone's blog below their post, but you need to be a follower. xx
